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  • With the latest release of Volvo Connect you can view your fault codes in the Map Tool and in the Report Tool as well as in Assets.

  • Volvo Connect News


    Street view and updated maps in Map tool

    We are glad to announce that we have made an important update to our Map tool in Volvo Connect. With the latest release, we will be using Google Maps as our map provider for default, satellite and terrain views. This change brings several benefits to you.

  • Volvo Connect News


    Nueva política de contraseñas

    Volvo implementará una nueva política de contraseñas que entrará en vigor a partir del 13 dej ulio de 2024. La nueva política tiene como objetivo mejorar la seguridad y la protección de los datos.

  • Volvo Connect News


    Battery Saving Zone

    Zero Emission Zones with the purpose of driving hybrid vehicles on combustion engine are now renamed to Battery Saving Zones in order to better reflect their purpose.

  • We are pleased to announce an enhancement to our Report tool, aimed at providing bus operators with a more detailed and insightful overview of charging information. From opportunity charging on route to overnight charging in the depot, our report covers a spectrum of charging options, allowing you to make informed decisions to tailor your charging strategies based on the specific needs of your fleet.

  • Volvo Connect News


    Software Release Notes in Assets

    In accordance with UN Regulation 156, it is a requirement to display software release notes for all customers within the EU. The release notes will be visible if an ECU has been updated/refreshed from November 1st, 2023. If release notes prior to week 47 2023 are available, they might also be displayed.

  • Have you ever analyzed which electric vehicle used which charger? Then you have probably handled the MAC address of your vehicle’s charging unit . With the latest version of Volvo Connect, this address is visible in Assets for all of your electric vehicles.

  • Volvo Connect News


    Track your Passenger Load in Volvo Connect

    Ever wondered which bus stop is the busiest or which routes tend to be overloaded with passengers? With the new Passenger Load report, you can see the weight of the bus and the estimated number of passengers every time the bus closes its doors.

  • With the latest release of Volvo Connect, you can view and copy the latitude and longitude coordinates of your vehicles’ positions directly and paste into other systems.

  • Volvo Connect News


    Survey about data access

    We recognize that many of our customers operate buses from different brands and may require access to vehicle data to optimize the operational efficiency.

  • Volvo Connect News


    Driving Profile

    Driving Profile is a service based on data collected with a high frequency that lets you drill down in detail to your vehicles’ performance, second by second, over a 24-hour time frame. It can help you detect certain trends and analyze correlations between events. For example, you may notice more harsh acceleration events when the bus is climbing up to high altitude, and you can correlate fault codes to driving patterns like high speed.

  • A new functionality/tab called "Service Contract" is now in place within Volvo Connect. This functionality/tab is accessible within the Assets section for individual vehicles. It will only be visible in markets that utilize the Trucks Service Agreement (TSA).

  • Volvo Connect News


    Direct link to Navigator in Workshop services

    A new direct link to Navigator (training application) have been added to workshop services, please see image for reference.

  • Volvo Connect News


    Volvo Connect Survey

    Wir legen sehr großen Wert auf Ihre Meinung und möchten daher gerne mehr über Ihre Erfahrungen mit Volvo Connect wissen. Wir laden Sie ein, an unserer kurzen Kundenbefragung teilzunehmen.

  • Sie können jetzt im Berichtstool detaillierte Informationen zur Fahrgeschwindigkeit und zur Motordrehzahl Ihrer Fahrzeuge anzeigen. In den Diagrammen werden Motordrehzahl und Fahrgeschwindigkeit über Zeit, Entfernung und Verbrauch in separaten Balkendiagrammen dargestellt. Die Ansichten können zur Analyse der Motordrehzahl von Fahrzeugen verwendet werden, die festgelegte Strecken befahren, um festzustellen, ob sie für ihre Aufgabe geeignet sind.

  • Volvo Connect News


    Data delay in Report tool

  • Volvo Connect News


    Charge Monitoring Zone

    Charge Monitoring Zones are zones which monitor the battery level of your hybrid or electric vehicles, and sends an event if the battery level is more than or less than a certain level on entering or leaving the zone.

  • Volvo Connect News


    Ändern von Maßen und Sprache

  • Volvo Connect News



    Wir führen das Karten-Download-Widget in Volvo Connect ein, um Aktualisierungen der Karten für das TomTom-Navigationssystem im neuen Reisebus (9700/9900) zu ermöglichen. Alle Informationen zum Herunterladen und Aktualisieren der Karten finden Sie in der Widget-Anleitung.

  • Beim Erstellen und Bearbeiten von Zonen können Sie die Zone automatisch für alle Fahrzeuge in Ihrer Flotte aktivieren. Das bedeutet, dass alle Ihre zukünftigen Fahrzeuge mit einem Zonendienst automatisch der Zone hinzugefügt werden.

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