Volvo Buses


Coaching Zones

Coach your drivers

Coaching Zones is a refinement of I-Coaching, Volvo’s game-changing service for instant feedback on driving style. For a defined area you can set specific threshold values for the alerts. By restricting parameters like speed, cornering and braking in a sensitive area, the driver will be encouraged to drive more gently. You can define as many zones as you wish, anywhere you want.

Active driving support

Once you have experienced Volvo I-Coaching you don’t want to be without it. And with Coaching Zones the improvements just keep coming. Skilled drivers certainly know how to drive comfortably and efficiently but the instant feedback from Coaching Zones and I-Coaching has nevertheless proven to make good drivers even better.

Staying at ease

On a meandering mountain road, it can be very helpful to receive alerts even at low-level lateral forces. Tight corners can be perceived as frightening by your passengers, and making a zone specific setting of the I-Coaching will result in gentler progress and passengers feeling more at ease.

Enhanced comfort

In areas with stop-and-go traffic, and with many standing passengers, acceleration and braking can become inconvenient. A zone with a lower setting for these parameters will result in a smoother ride and happier passengers.

Reducing emissions

Excessive idling gives unnecessary emissions. I-Coaching warns for this after a defined time. But in sensitive areas, the Coaching Zone service lets you reduce the idling time down to 1 minute before the alert is displayed.

Coaching your drivers

Volvo I-Coaching is a very direct, and thus efficient, tool for improving driver performance. Instant feedback on vital driving parameters help professional drivers to adopt a more smoother, more efficient driving style.

Volvo I-Coaching

I-Coaching and Coaching Zones Explained

These services give immediate and lasting effects. How it works?


Below are links to documents for more information on benefits, features, facts and figures.

Fact sheet Zone management Format PDF Size 3 MB

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