Volvo Buses


300 guests at India plant inauguration

On Thursday, Volvo Buses inaugurated a new body plant in Bangalore, India joined by 300 guests. You can experience the event by watching the video presentation.

Since the first introduction in India in 2001, Volvo Buses has manufactured chassis together with Volvo Trucks in an own plant in Bangalore. The bodies were produced by an external body builder , Jaico Automobiles.

Now, when Volvo Buses takes the step to start its own body plant adjacent to the chassis plant, it is to increase flexibility with regard to production capacity and to further improve quality.

The body plant is being operated in a new joint-venture company with the cooperation partner Jaico Automobiles. The company is named Volvo Bus Body Technologies India and Volvo Buses holds a 70% ownership interest.

The new plant has a capacity of 1,000 buses annually, with projected production this year of 450 buses. The company expects to have about 600 employees at the end of this year.

The inauguration was a festive occasion, in which part of Volvo Buses company management attended, led by President Håkan Karlsson. The nine first buses produced in the plant were turned over to the customer and the new design of the Volvo 9400 coach was showcased for the first time.

Experience part of the inauguration festivities yourself by viewing the video.