Volvo Buses


Volvo Connect Survey

We greatly value your opinion and want to hear about your experience with Volvo Connect. We invite you to participate in our short customer survey.

Your opinions matter to us, and we want to ensure that we continue to enhance our services to meet your needs. The survey is completely anonymous. 

However, at the end of the survey, you have the option to join our Customer Advisory Panel. Your survey responses will remain anonymous, but we may contact you occasionally for further input and advices. As a panel member, you will have the opportunity to influence the development of our services, test new features in the early stages, and provide valuable feedback. Additionally, by joining the panel, you will automatically enter a draw for a chance to win a special Volvo gift.

You can decide to withdraw from the panel at any time.


Don't miss this chance to have your voice heard and potentially win a nice reward! Click the link below to participate in the Volvo Connect  survey.


The Volvo Connect Team