Volvo Buses


Driving Profile

Driving Profile is a service based on data collected with a high frequency that lets you drill down in detail to your vehicles’ performance, second by second, over a 24-hour time frame. It can help you detect certain trends and analyze correlations between events. For example, you may notice more harsh acceleration events when the bus is climbing up to high altitude, and you can correlate fault codes to driving patterns like high speed.

The Driving Profile service is available in the Map Tool under Position History. It displays the speed (km/h), engine speed (rpm), altitude (m), fuel level (%) and total weight (t) of your vehicle in separate graphs together with the driven route on the map. The graph also plots when fault codes and driver related events appeared, as well as periods with open doors.

The Driving Profile graph is interactive, and you can zoom in and out in time as well as expand the section to see more parameters. 

If you wish to compare the different parameters to each other and see how they relate, simply open the graphs in overlay.

Please contact your market representative to start a Driving Profile subscription for your vehicles.