Volvo Buses


Volvo 9700 Specifications

Dimensions and weights

Length 45' (13.7 meters)
Width 8' 6" (2.59 meters)
Height 12' 1" (3.67 meters)
Permitted GVW 49,400 lb. (22,407 kg.)

Passenger cabin

Passenger capacity54 seats
Passenger seatsAmaya seats with armrests, footrests, wing-styled headrests and 3-point 20G seat belt


Emission standardEPA OBD15 environmental compliant
EngineVolvo D13 w/SCR 13L-435 hp Diesel Engine, 6 cylinders
Torque at 1100 rpm1650 lb. ft. (2250 NM)

12-speed semi-automatic

Easy to use shiftpad

XE (Extreme Efficiency) package for US market (with 425hp and special SW)

Optional Allison automatic transmission


210 gallons (800 L) fuel tank

Cooling system

Lateral radiator with hydraulic fan drive controlled by Electronic Control Module (ECM)


Front Underrun Protection (FUP)
Front Impact Protection (FIP)
Engine compartment fire suppression system (EFSS)
Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)
Rollover testing R66 compliant

Axels and steering

Front axleCapacity of 16,500 lb. (7,484 kg.)
Rear axle

Capacity of 32,900 lb. (14,923 kg.)

Standard gear ratio of 2.64:1


Power steering, 50-degree maximum angle

18-inch (450 mm) steering wheel diameter


Auto-leveling suspension
2 air springs on front axle, 4 on drive axle and 2 on tag axle
2 shock absorbers and a sway bar at each axle

Tires and wheels

Michelin tires 315/80R22.5 with 9-inch wheels
Steel wheels

Brake systems

All-wheel disc brakes with antilock braking system (ABS) with double circuitry
Visual wear indication
Electronic Braking System 5th generation (EBS)


Download the brochure to find out more about the Volvo 9700.

Volvo 9700 Spec sheet Format PDF Size 2 MB
Volvo 9700 brochure Format PDF Size 5 MB

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