Volvo Buses


Göteborg to operate Sweden's longest bus

In the New Year, the residents of Göteborg will have the opportunity to travel on Sweden's longest bus - a new bi-articulated bus that is a full 24 meters in length.
24-meter bi-articulated Volvo bus
Increased congestion and environmental problems has forced authorities in the world's cities to search for more effective, safer and more environmentally friendly public transport services that can persuade more residents to leave their cars at home.

One solution that is becoming increasingly popular is the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system. The system often comprises separate bus lanes, a high service frequency, an effective ticketing system, modern buses with a large capacity and bus stops adapted for rapid boarding and exiting.

Göteborg is one of the cities that have opted to invest in this type of bus service. Because of its popularity, this is one of the world's few public transport routes that covers costs without tax contributions. The downside of this popularity is that passengers complain that the buses are crowded, despite the fact that a long, articulated bus runs every three minutes during rush hour.

Therefore, Volvo Buses, in cooperation with Göteborgs Spårvägar, Västtrafik and Göteborg City Traffic Office, has developed a 24-meter bi-articulated bus that can carry 165 passengers, the Volvo 7500 Bi-articulated. Göteborgs Spårvägar has ordered four of these buses, the first of which will be in operation in the New Year.

Volvo Buses is currently the world's leading supplier of buses for modern Bus Rapid Transit systems. The first large system was launched in Curitiba, Brazil in the 1970s. Since then, Volvo has delivered buses to BRT systems in such cities as Bogotá, in Colombia, and Leon and Mexico City, in Mexico. The most recent delivery was for 1,779 buses to the Transantiago system in Santiago, Chile.

"A BRT system represents much of what Volvo stands for, improved safety, operating economy and environmental care," explains Christer Boman the new BRT manager for Volvo Buses.

December 12, 2005

For further information, contact: Per-Martin Johansson, Press officer, Volvo Buses, +46 31 322 52 00

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