Volvo Buses


100 Volvo buses for Australia

Volvo Bus Australia has been announced as the winning contractor for the supply of another 100 low floor city buses to the customer STA.
David Mead, General Manager Volvo Bus said the Volvo team was extremely humbled by the win as it is the seventh time since 2002 Volvo has been successful in securing contracts put to tender by the STA, State Transit Authority of New South Wales, the largest bus operator in Australia.

“The win is a real testament not only to the quality and performance of our current product but to the strong working relationship the team has established with the STA in terms of both contract management and aftersales support.” said Mead.

“The new contact will be little different to previous ones however in that it will see buses built on our Volvo B7RLE chassis enter the STA fleet for the first time.

“We are particularly excited about this given the B7RLE model is now well proven in the Australian market and continues to set the industry standard for fuel efficiency, driveability and lifecycle costs.  

”Including all other Volvo models the new contract will take the total number of Volvo buses currently in the STA’s fleet to more than 900.”

Volvo Bus will provide the new buses over the next two years together with Custom Coaches who will manufacture the bus bodies at its new facility in Sydney, Australia.


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