Volvo Buses


Volvo B11R

Built to perform

The Volvo B11R is the backbone of a good coach business. Whether your need is a premium coach or a trusty line-hauler, the B11R will exceed your expectations. The highly fuel-efficient right-sized D11 engine will cut your operational costs, while Volvo’s high quality ensures superior functionality, passenger comfort and lifecycle productivity. A Volvo is the safer choice.


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Reliable business results

A Volvo chassis will give you many years of business productivity. Efficient drivelines with outstanding environmental performance in combination with a sturdy frame and comfortable suspension make for many years of profitable operation.

World-class safety

A coach built on a Volvo chassis benefits from several crucial built-in safety features. Braking and road handling are the main benefits of a chassis. Should something unexpected happen, several structural features protect the driver as well as passengers in other vehicles.

Total driving pleasure

Every driver will appreciate the B11R. Distinct road handling and effortless response from the powerful engine make you feel at one with the coach. The Volvo 12-speed I-Shift transmission is perectly optimised for coach touring. And for the Euro 6 version you can specify Volvo Dynamic Steering, giving an outstanding driving experience.

Environmental performance

With Volvo’s D11 engines and fuel-saving services you can make up to 10% fuel savings – and reduce CO2 emissions by the same amount. And the Euro 6 version is one of the cleanest in its class. By making the engine slightly smaller, with uncompromised performance, we reduced fuel consumption and weight too. That’s what we call right-sizing.

Volvo Dynamic Steering

You can select Volvo Dynamic Steering for your B11R, which will make driving smoother and maneuvering easier.

True uptime

A Volvo Bus Service Contract will keep your Volvo B11R up and running like new for many years. Optimised maintenance carried out by experts is an investment that pays off at once.

Service contracts

Pure power

The Volvo D11 engine with up to 460 hp makes driving effortless and smooth. And you can still save up to 10% of your fuel cost, when combined with our value-adding services.


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