Volvo Buses


Useable energy commitment

Uptime and availability are cornerstones in efficient public transport. Electrification has changed the entire paradigm and we must now see many things differently. Volvo has the expertise to make your electric fleet run smoothly.

How much energy do you need?

To match the energy need for completing the daily operation of your bus configuration and battery capacity, we offer an energy capacity promise – our Usable energy commitment. Based on your specific route and operational parameters we jointly define the energy capacity need. And then we guarantee that your buses can be charged with that amount of kilowatt hours – during the entire contract period.

Optimized for your route

Average speed, distance, climate, topography and charging strategy. There are many factors that have an impact on your energy requirement for a route. After a thorough analysis, your fleet, vehicles, and charging methods can be optimized. For instance, on the most demanding routes you could benefit from OppCharge at end stations, and have more or less unlimited daily range. Don’t look att single specific figures – electromobility is a system. And a system must be in balance.

We take care of your batteries

With our Usable energy commitment, the battery health and the measures to keep the promised level is Volvo’s responsibility. We monitor and follow up, and take the necessary actions to ensure uninterrupted operation. A dedicated team of  experts will work for you to make sure your buses will just keep running, from day one and throughout the contract period.

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