Volvo Buses


230 Volvo buses to Jamaica

Volvo Buses has received an order for a total of 230 city buses from Kingston, Jamaica. The first 65 buses will be delivered at the end of 2011. The transaction is worth just over 16 million euros.

“The Jamaican authorities are now implementing a massive public transport improvement programme in Kingston to create better living conditions for the city’s population. I am proud that Volvo Buses is part of this process,” says Alexandre Selski, who is handling the transaction on behalf of Volvo.

The order encompasses 210 conventional Volvo B7R buses and 20 Volvo B12M articulated buses. The vehicles will be delivered over a three-year period starting this year. The order is valued at a total of 16.3 million euros. The purchaser is JUTC, the Jamaican Urban Transit Company.

60 percent of the market
“This means that we are now further strengthening our position in Jamaica. It is also verification that our focus on quality and service, and the support received from Volvo dealership in Jamaica, JR Group, are appreciated by our customer,” says Alexandre Selski.

Volvo Buses currently has about a 60 percent share of the Jamaican city bus market.

Production in Sweden and Brazil
Most of the bus chassis will be built at the Volvo Buses factory in Borås, Sweden. The articulated bus chassis will be built by Volvo in Curitiba, Brazil. The bodies are built by VDL Jonckheere in Belgium.

December 16, 2011

For further information, please contact Christina Fjellman, SVP Corporate Communications, +46 70 2696010


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